Stefan C. Kremer
skremer at
Wed Jul 7 17:01:48 EDT 2004
From: "Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy" <grisha at> When InterpPerDirectory is On, the interpreter name would be based on the directory name extracted from req->filename. So, I guess my question is how is the directory name "extracted" from req->filename? Or to put it into more concrete terms, let me make a slight modification to the example in the link you provided: For example, assume there is a /directory. /directory has an .htaccess file with a PythonHandler directive and InterpPerDirectory, but NO OTHER FILES. Now suppose that apache is sent requests for: (1) /directory/something (2) /directory/something.ext (3) /directory/something/something (4) /directory/something/something.ext (5) /directory/somethingelse (6) /directory/somethingelse.ext Assuming that the python handler (via apache) sends some data back for all of these things. Can you tell me which of these will share sub-interpreters and why? Based on my preliminary observations it seems to me that only (1) and (4) end up sharing. Would that make sense to you? Stefan