[mod_python] filename for return file_content

Luca Montecchiani l.montecchiani at teamsystem.com
Fri Feb 23 10:52:49 EST 2007

Use sendfile, there are examples in the mailing list
the only advice is to add those headers :

_stat = os.stat( file_path )
fsize = str(_stat.st_size)
req.headers_out["Content-Length"] = fsize
req.headers_out["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=%s" % \


Lisický Jiří wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using mod_python publisher and I want send tar.gz file to
> client. File is not acessible by apache. I am using this code:
> def send_file(req):
>    req.content_type = "application/x-gzip"
>    file = open("/some/path/file.tar.gz").read()
>    return file
> But problem is, that this file have name as python function, that send
> it with extension gz. So send_file.gz. And I need also tar extension.
> Is there better way, that copy this file to directory, where apache
> see it?
> BTW MSIE is also "very funny". If I get http://www/file.tgz MSIE save
> it as file.gz - so I must use tar.gz extension. (in firefox no problem)
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Luca Montecchiani
Software Di Base
TeamSystem S.r.l.
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