Lisický Jiří
lisicky at
Fri Feb 23 10:09:20 EST 2007
Hello, I am using mod_python publisher and I want send tar.gz file to client. File is not acessible by apache. I am using this code: def send_file(req): req.content_type = "application/x-gzip" file = open("/some/path/file.tar.gz").read() return file But problem is, that this file have name as python function, that send it with extension gz. So send_file.gz. And I need also tar extension. Is there better way, that copy this file to directory, where apache see it? BTW MSIE is also "very funny". If I get http://www/file.tgz MSIE save it as file.gz - so I must use tar.gz extension. (in firefox no problem)