[mod_python] Configuring mod_python via reverse proxy

Roberto C. Sanchez roberto at familiasanchez.net
Wed Dec 14 17:42:29 EST 2005

Jorey Bump wrote:

> This is why I suggested using your custom configuration file instead of
> .htaccess, and still recommend it if you're running your own instance of
> apache.
I was getting around to that :-)

> It's up to you to decide if it's safe to share the directory between
> multiple instances of apache. You risk an information leak by leaving
> source code in public_html.

True.  However, at this point I was just testing and I didn't want to
setup another user just for that.  Besides, the virtualhost for the
instance running in $HOME only has DNS records on my private LAN.  I am
still getting a feel for it.


Roberto C. Sanchez
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