[mod_python] mod_python bake-off?

Nic Ferrier nferrier at tapsellferrier.co.uk
Fri Sep 3 10:38:52 EDT 2004

> If you try to host all examples on one site, you end up limiting the
> choices as to what developers can use in their implementation and
> make it difficult for them to update things. There may also be
> issues of one implementation interfering with another if there isn't
> somehow some proper separation between the applications.

No. This should be very easy to set up:

- chrooted mod-python/apache servers on pre-allocated ports

- front end apache server proxying to the individual servers

> I feel, each developer wanting to provide an example, would need to
> be responsible for organising their own hosting. There should
> however be one site through which all the different implementations
> are linked. By each developer providing their own hosting, they then
> have the freedom of choice as to what tools they use.

But developers wanting to provide an example will be laden with having
to provide their own hosting.

I will be happy to provide hosting... though I only have an ADSL
setup. I will try to find a someone with a better uplink and we can
move to there.

Anyway, these are details.

I'll try to come up with a timesheet app by the end of next week.


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