[mod_python] ANN: Vampire 1.2 is now available.

Johannes Erdfelt johannes at erdfelt.com
Thu Oct 21 23:24:22 EDT 2004

On Fri, Oct 22, 2004, Graham Dumpleton <grahamd at dscpl.com.au> wrote:
> This latest version of Vampire also includes an example for showing
> how form values will get decoded. I just wish someone would answer
> my question about file uploads and whether what currently happens
> for them in mod_python.publisher is reasonable. Doesn't anyone use
> file uploads with mod_python.publisher? See the result for input
> form 2 in the example as to what currently happens. Ie., one gets
> a Field object for a file upload.

I just ported over that piece of my code. Under mod_python 3.1.3,
vampire will cause a traceback with the current code.

The fix is to do the same thing the new publisher does which is not use
a seperate File class.


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