[mod_python] Reimporting again and again

Krishna Srinivasan krishna at ironport.com
Wed May 26 12:04:07 EDT 2004


This is my configuration -

FreeBSD 4.9
Python 2.2.3 (--without-threads)
Apache 2.0.49
ModPython 3.1.3
I also did the 'setenv LD_PRELOAD /usr/lib/libc_r.so"

There is an index.py which has three functions.
Every time a call is made to one of these three
functions, there is an entry (a "notice") in the
"error_log" that this module is being (Re)imported.

Why so ? Can someone please explain what's going on ?
Or am I missing some flags/directives that I should
have set ?

Any ideas ??? Please help,


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