[mod_python] Announcing: Mod_python Servlets

Daniel J. Popowich dpopowich at comcast.net
Tue May 25 14:13:57 EDT 2004

A few months ago I asked Grisha what was the best way to make a
contribution of code to mod_python.  He said I should post it to
python-dev and then we'd take it from there.

I felt I needed to write comprehensive documentation and put together
a solid tutorial before posting the code.  Nearly three months later,
here I am.

It can be downloaded from:


Below is a snippet from the README file included in the package.  It
gives an overview of the handler and its key functionality:


Daniel Popowich

Excerpt from README:

    Mod_python Servlets

    0. Preamble

    It is my intention to donate this handler to mod_python and by
    extension, the Apache Foundation.  To this end, I have put together
    the handler, along with API reference documentation and a tutorial in
    the hopes that developers will use it and, finding it a simple, yet
    powerfully productive tool, use it in their projects, offer feedback
    and, eventually, promote its acceptance in the mainstream

    1. Overview

    If mod_python's publisher handler is a functional view of the web, the
    servlet handler is an object oriented view of the web.  It is inspired
    by WebWare (http://webware.sourceforge.net).

    I programmed with Webware for many projects.  I loved the object
    oriented view of the web it promoted and found it to be a very
    productive tool to quickly prototype web applications.  However, I
    found it lacking in a number of ways: 1) it has its own server process
    that needs to be started and managed, this is in addition to apache or
    another web server; 2) its class hierarchy is rather deep: there are
    five classes, inclusive, in the hierarchy between the base class and
    the class that represents an HTML page (there are only two in
    Mod_python Servlets); 3) even though a web server like apache manages
    processes and/or threads, WebWare has its own extensive thread
    management system which adds complexity to an overall web application;
    4) WebWare promotes a comprehensive buy-in to their framework that,
    personally, I found unwieldy.

    In short, I found WebWare too "big" for my needs and started looking
    for something more streamlined.  I couldn't find it.

    Since I never intended on using a web server other than apache, it
    made sense to give mod_python a closer look than I had before.  It was
    immediately clear that process/thread management came "free" by using
    an apache handler.  The publisher handler is clearly a powerful tool,
    but I missed the OO view of WebWare.  I looked at mod_python handlers
    that are available in the opensource community, but found most
    required a buy-in to their framework and/or content management system.

    At some point I realized it would be VERY easy to implement the best
    features of WebWare as a mod_python handler without the bloat and
    management burdens of other systems.  Best of all, it would be easy to
    reuse many features of mod_python without re-inventing the wheel
    (Session, Cookie, FieldStorage, etc.)

    1.5. Goals (which turns out to be a feature list)

      1. Using mod_python, write a handler that operates in much the same
	 way as WebWare: for any given request, create (or reuse) an
	 instance of a well-defined base class to process the request,
	 calling, in order, a set of methods on the instance.

      2. Offer tools to manage much of the tedium of web programming:
	 processing query arguments and form variables.  Mod_python
	 Servlets, building on mod_python.utils.FieldStorage, will
	 automatically create instance variables for query arguments and
	 form variables, allowing the developer to specify default values
	 if they don't appear in the request as well as conversion methods
	 to convert the strings to arbitrary python objects.  In addition,
	 there is built-in support to accept python lists and dicts as
	 form variables.  E.g., you can give HTML FORM elements names,
	 such as, "foo[a]", "foo[b]", "foo[c]", ... and have returned to
	 your servlet an instance variable named "foo", a dict, with keys
	 "a", "b", "c", ... and their values being whatever was specified
	 in the FORM.  Likewise, naming FORM elements with the same name
	 (as with a CHECKBOX or SELECT with multiple set) Mod_python
	 Servlets can return a python list.

      3. Allow for arbitrary methods of servlets to be called when forms
	 are submitted.  With Mod_python Servlets you can name FORM BUTTON
	 and/or INPUT SUBMIT/BUTTON elements with a special syntax such
	 that when the form is submitted, a method the developer specifies
	 will be called.  Security features are built-in to prevent *any*
	 method to be called, just those the developer specifies.

      4. Remove the tedium of generating HTML documents.  I HATE writing
	 HTML.  Mod_python Servlets generates well-defined HTML documents
	 and through the setting of instance variables and/or overriding
	 base methods, offer the developer much flexibility in customizing
	 their HTML.  When used with a tool like HyperText or HTMLgen, you
	 can write web applications without EVER having to write HTML.

      5. Support basic HTTP authentication.  Mod_python Servlets has tools
	 to manage HTTP authentication including a simple method that
	 accepts any mapping (that supports the standard get() method)
	 where keys are usernames and values are passwords.

      6. Promote no framework that requires buy-in other than the servlets
	 themselves.  Mod_python Servlets does not insist your content be
	 in a certain format or that you use any other third-party
	 packages.  This is not a religious movement!

      7. Make the management footprint small.  The handler function and
	 one supporting class are less than 150 lines of code (after
	 stripping doc strings).  The bulk of the functionality is in the
	 class hierarchy that represents a servlet.

      8. Most importantly, separate processing from content.  I loathe
	 PHP.  By extension, mod_python PSP.  If you, like me, have an
	 inbred need to separate code from content AND you thrive in an OO
	 view of the web, Mod_python Servlets are for you.

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