[mod_python] import madness!

The Doctor What list.modpython at docwhat.gerf.org
Tue May 11 13:11:21 EST 2004

I have found an interesting bug.  My handler has, at it's start,
something like:
from blah import config

This is great, works fine, etc. EXCEPT when I clean up the .pyc
files in the blah directory!  Then it says that it cannot import

Looking at sys.modules, I see that sys.modules[blah.config] is set
to <module 'blah' from 'path-to/blah/config.pyc'>. It is
easily reproducable.  A lame work around is to make the path-to/blah
directory group read-only so that .pyc files cannot be created.

Is there a fix for this?  Am I doing something wrong?


Famous Last Words: That was the wrong button!

The Doctor What: Da Man                          http://docwhat.gerf.org/
docwhat *at* gerf *dot* org                                        KF6VNC
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