[mod_python] Promoting Python as web application developmentlanguage

David N. Welton davidw at dedasys.com
Tue Aug 27 15:41:34 EST 2002

Tom Emerson <tree at basistech.com> writes:

> Michael C. Neel writes:

> > The other thing I'd like to say is that python.apache.org should
> > just be mod_python.  It servers the same purpose as mod_perl, to
> > allow apache development in python.
> Look though at http://tcl.apache.org/, which includes pointers to
> several projects for integrating Tcl into Apache.

They aren't just pointers.  The projects belong to the Apache Software
Foundation, and are all part of the Apache Tcl group.

> I don't see why mod_snake shouldn't be included with
> mod_python. Developers would be coming to python.apache.org to find
> out how to interface to Apache with Python...

That would definitely make sense, if the author of mod_snake agreed to
turn over the project to the ASF.

David N. Welton
   Consulting: http://www.dedasys.com/
     Personal: http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/
Free Software: http://www.dedasys.com/freesoftware/
   Apache Tcl: http://tcl.apache.org/

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