Antonio Navarro Navarro
hostmaster at
Thu Dec 21 09:06:39 EST 2000
At 15.48 20/12/00 -0500, Gregory Trubetskoy wrote: >May be it's be it's because I created them on Red Hat 2.6. 6.2 I suppose... yes, this could be the problem. >Perhaps I should take those RPM's off the site altogether, they seem to do >little good but confuse people and take up my time since there are >different variations of RedHat... (Mandrake?) I don't really have any >access to all those systems nor do I understand or like Red Hat enough to >be able to support those things. > >Perhaps some Red Hat fan would like to volunteer to maintain the >RPM's? Your job would be to create all versions of RPM's every time there >is a release and perhaps answer questions about them on the list. I can create all version of RPM's from source in RedHat Linux, we are fans of RH and allways have the latest version installed in our systems. Tell me what can I do. :-) Regards, Antonio Navarro Navarro BemarNet Management hostmaster at Tlf. +34-96-1656644 Fax. +34-96-1656514