[mod_python] Keeping data in memory

Tom Stambaugh brooklinetom at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 19:32:20 EST 2010

Hi All:

First, I want to thank Graham for all the effort he puts into this group and
mod_python. This is way, way above and beyond any kind of "duty", and I
truly appreciate it.

As a test-driven developer, I would **love** to have a unittest (or its
equivalent) test suite that demonstrates the various failure mechanisms when
the wrong thing is done (for example, when using a simple global variable)
and then demonstrates that these fixes solve the problem.

Most (all?) of the test suites and testing literature I've seen assume a
single-process environment. Before I start removing my few remaining hairs
by unnecessary head-scratching, I will greatly appreciate pointers to
material that addresses unit tests for an approach where a client (lets say
a browser connecting through json to its own python thread) is using
resources maintained in a different Python thread, so that multiple client
threads are hitting against a shared resource.

Presumably two or more parallel client test cases will compete for the
shared resource (is it a "testResource" in the original SUnit sense?), fail
when the wrong thing is done, and pass when the right thing is in place. Of
course, some kind of harness has to set up and fire off all this.

Thanks in advance!

Graham Dumpleton wrote:

True. As described in:


if you want cross process sharing, you can't rely on global variables
and must use an out of process storage mechanism.


2010/2/9 Primožič Boštjan
<bostjan.primozic at amis.net><bostjan.primozic at amis.net>:

It works with global variables, but if there is more than one thred/instance

of interpreter there will be problems.


I'd like to know if it's possible and how to store some data in memory.
I get small amount of date by parsing some other pages and this takes
relativly long time, so I want to keep this data in memory ( if posible ).
heared something about storing this data in "global" variable which stays
memory all the time.

Have you actually tried using Google to search for 'Python global


Understand what global variables are in Python and you have your answer.


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Tom Stambaugh, Founder
Zeetix LLC/ZeeGuide/ZeeForge
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