[mod_python] mod_python adapter for mod_wsgi in the make

Graham Dumpleton graham.dumpleton at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 19:01:47 EST 2009

Hmmm, did I ever point you to my SWIG bindings for Apache C API.


I stopped work on it because no one was interested, but gives you more
direct access to Apache request_rec object plus all the native Apache
APIs which mod_python has a tendency to want to use at lowest levels.

It can only be used in mod_wsgi embedded mode though, not daemon mode.

To use you need to also set:

  WSGIPassApacheRequest On

in Apache configuration.

It is been a long time since I played with it, but from memory can do
things like:

 from apache.httpd import *

 def application(environ, start_response):
    r = request_rec(environ['apache.request_rec'])

    ap_internal_redirect('/some/other/path', r)

    # Dummy WSGI response as redirect already sent response.
    start_response('200 OK', [])
    return []

The request_rec is already going to give you a requets object like
mod_python, although actually closer to original Apache one than


2009/11/25 Martijn Moeling <martijn at xs4us.nu>:
> Hi all you mod_python fans!
> Since I am developing a python web-os (with browser based desktop) which
> is heavily dependant on mod_python I am not very happy to see the
> development stop of MP.
> Since MOD_WSGI is the alternative I know for a while now I have to move.
> In my case this seems possible to crate a "fake" MOD_PYTHON module which
> communicates with MOD_WSGI and runs the application.
> Up to now I have had some success but there is still some work to do
> around apache.py but it all seems possible. That said, I do not use the
> Publisher handler and I might not be able to implement that part or I
> might need help
> I will put this out under the same license conditions as MP and since I
> am close to releasing the first beta I am starting to get curious about
> interest, If I have to put up a new project on some google or
> sourceforge server etc.
> As far as I can see there are no real problems (it might with input and
> output filters, nut sure yet) and there are still some parameters for
> the Request Object to be filled in. My OS (app) seems to start working,
> even stuff like my own build webdav server.
> So If anyone has interesting comments to make, shoot
> The 'beta' name for the project is "mod_Python adapter for mod_wsgi"
> Anyone who comes up with something better gets a free copy :-)
> Martijn Moeling
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