[mod_python] My WMS server is running.... what next?

Graham Dumpleton graham.dumpleton at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 03:49:56 EDT 2009

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2009/8/10 Jome Akpoduado <jome at eraction.org>:
> Hello,
> Please let me establish a baseline before I proceed. I got excited about
> Mapnik when I saw what it could achieve via the Drupal WMS client, Nice Map.
> I decided to build my own WMS server for my Drupal websites and I think I’ve
> gotten way over my head on this. I’ve no experience in python (but that has
> been fast changing in the last few days) but I managed to get Mapnik
> installed on my server (running Ubuntu 8.10) and followed the available
> tutorials on creating first maps and I think I passed that hurdle so far.
> However, where I get stumped is when I make an http request for a map (much
> like what the Nice map Drupal module would do) and nothing just happens.
> I’ve searched and scoured through sites looking for any good tutorials that
> could help an enthusiastic newbie like me get off the ground with even the
> simplest of external map requests. Can anyone help out or point me to good
> enough documentation that us mere mortals can follow?
> Many thanks.
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