[mod_python] My WMS server is running.... what next?

Jome Akpoduado jome at eraction.org
Mon Aug 10 03:34:41 EDT 2009


Please let me establish a baseline before I proceed. I got excited about
Mapnik when I saw what it could achieve via the Drupal WMS client, Nice Map.
I decided to build my own WMS server for my Drupal websites and I think I've
gotten way over my head on this. I've no experience in python (but that has
been fast changing in the last few days) but I managed to get Mapnik
installed on my server (running Ubuntu 8.10) and followed the available
tutorials on creating first maps and I think I passed that hurdle so far.

However, where I get stumped is when I make an http request for a map (much
like what the Nice map Drupal module would do) and nothing just happens.

I've searched and scoured through sites looking for any good tutorials that
could help an enthusiastic newbie like me get off the ground with even the
simplest of external map requests. Can anyone help out or point me to good
enough documentation that us mere mortals can follow?

Many thanks.



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