[mod_python] Re: Mod_python chunked transfer

Graham Dumpleton graham.dumpleton at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 09:25:36 EDT 2008

2008/10/10 Brent Marshall <marshall at nortel.com>:
> Hi Graham,
>     I am using mod_python to do web services, and recently ran into a client
> that is using chunked transfer_coding.
>     I ran into your post at:
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/httpd-python-dev/200702.mbox/<[email protected]>
>     I was wondering if you had made any progress, or are aware of any
> progress towards solving the issue.
>     Within mod_python I'm using ZSI.  In standalone mode ZSI cannot handle
> chunked input either.  Do you know whether ZSI will be ok with chunked input
> within Apache (assuming mod_python is fixed)?

No, mod_python still does not handle chunked request input.

Keep searching the mail archives, or JIRA issue tracker as there was a
more recent discussion than that talking about it. There are various
things that would need to be fixed or changed to handle it, but since
no active development is happening on mod_python and there are far
more important things that need to be fixed, I can't see it happening
any time soon.


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