[mod_python] mod_python version compatibilities

rahul Rahul.G.Nair at Sun.COM
Mon Mar 3 00:35:44 EST 2008

| >  I am integrating mod_python with Solaris Apache 2.2 package
| >  Distribution.
| >

| >  (The reason for asking this is that the versions that are guaranteed to
| >  be compatible can be added as an upgrade while the version changes that
| >  may cause non-compatible changes may need to be treated differently.)
| >
| >  (By interface I mean any thing a developer may make use of in mod_python
| >  while developing modules in mod_python. Includes configuration
| >  directives and APIs)
| If you want some semblance of version compatibility, or even
| portability for Python web applications, then don't write your web
| applications to directly use mod_python. Instead, write your web
| application to work against the WSGI specification (www.wsgi.org) for
| Python web applications. That way you have a better chance of changes
| in the hosting mechanism not causing a problem.
| What is you are really trying to do and what web applications are you
| wanting to host? Do you specifically need mod_python because of
| wanting to hook into internal features of Apache?

My interest is to bundle mod_python in OpenSolaris SXDE, as a package
(compiled) for others to use. So the applications that would use
mod_python would not be under my control. And yes, it could be that
the developers might decide to hook into the internals of apache through
mod_python (I cant be sure they wont :) ).

Thank you for the response, It clarified what I was looking for.


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