[mod_python] Mod_python and kerberos authentication (mod_auth_kerb)

Cassiano, Marco mcassiano at manord.com
Fri Jan 11 11:28:48 EST 2008

Hi all,
I've just configured our apache server (Linux RedHat) for kerberos authentication to allow our windows domain users to access it without having to reauthenticate.
Everything works fine for a plain html directory, so I'm pretty sure that the kerberos configuration for the apache server is working.
When I try to specify Kerberos authentication together with mod_python it's not working. I got the message : 

Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.


My httpd configuration is :

Alias /login/ "/var/www/kerb/login/"

<Directory "/var/www/kerb/login">
##  AuthName "Kerberos Login"
  AuthType Kerberos
  KrbAuthRealm FOO.COM
  KrbServiceName HTTP/apache.foo.com at FOO.COM <mailto:HTTP/apache.foo.com at FOO.COM> 
  Krb5Keytab /etc/httpd/conf/apache.tab
  KrbMethodNegotiate on
  KrbMethodK5Passwd off
#  KrbSaveCredentials off
#  KrbVerifyKDC off
  Require valid-user

  Order Deny,Allow
  Deny from all
  Allow from foo.com
  Allow from

  SetHandler mod_python
  PythonHandler mod_python.publisher | .py
  PythonDebug on
  PythonOption ApplicationPath '/'


Thanks in advance for your advice

Marco Cassiano 
Manifatture del Nord srl 




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