[mod_python] publisher - variable processing

Colin Bean ccbean at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 15:56:04 EST 2007

Have you considered using mod_rewrite?  If you don't mind using an
outside module, you'd be able to use "pretty" urls and not have to
change your publisher code.


On 3/8/07, Peter Sanchez <petersanchez at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a way to process data passed in the URL without using the
> "normal" CGI method using publisher? ie,
> www.domain.com/script?var1=foo&var2=blah - This I can use req.form
> for the data. Say I want to use the following:
> www.domain.com/script/foo/blah
> I don't mind parsing the data myself, but how can I get the string "/
> foo/blah" ?
> I am sure its possible creating a different handler, but is it
> possible to do so using .publisher?
> Thanks!
> Peter
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