[mod_python] http://www.modpython.org/examples/

Gert Cuykens gert.cuykens at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 17:44:04 EDT 2007

On 6/11/07, Jorey Bump <list at joreybump.com> wrote:
> Gert Cuykens wrote:
> > ok did some quick html stuff at http://dfo.sourceforge.net/ i think it
> > can now be called a site :)
> WTF is DFO?

lol, it is just a collection of example's to show of the potential of
mod_python. It is not something specific. For example when you open
the query.htm page you can put any sql statement on that page and when
pushing submit, it will show you a nice table of all the records.
Thats just one example of many more.

If i would have a python server i could setup a demo of it all,
mod_python can annihilate php if only people would know how to make
web applications. Php is specifically designed for web content. Python
can do the same thing except where php stops python is just starting
warming up.

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