[mod_python] Mysterious 500 error?

Peter Shinners pete at shinners.org
Sun Jul 15 14:26:24 EDT 2007

Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> I'd suggest you browser is also seeing a 500 response, but because
> page content is being returned it doesn't care and still displays the
> page. Use Firefox live headers or similar to confirm.
> What does you Apache configuration snippet look like where you have
> defined PythonHandler etc?

I've done this in an .htaccess file, it references the 'cone.py' I have in 
the same directory (added to the PythonPath). I've checked the .htaccess 
in the parent directories, and they are empty. The file look like this:

SetHandler python-program
PythonPath "sys.path+['/home/shinners/public_html/iCream', 
PythonHandler cone
PythonDebug On

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