[mod_python] Help with mod_python, mod_proxy & cookies

Graham Dumpleton grahamd at dscpl.com.au
Wed Jan 24 23:02:13 EST 2007

Marc Boorshtein wrote ..
> >
> > Forgot the second half of the problem. In the same file add:
> >
> >   def mycookiefixup(filter):
> >     # interrogate req.headers_out, get out cookie headers, change
> >     # them and ressign it.
> >     filter.pass_on()
> >
> > Then in the fixuphandler() have:
> >
> >   req.register_output_filter("MYCOOKIEFIXUP", mycookiefixup)
> >   req.add_output_filter("MYCOOKIEFIXUP")
> >
> > This will register the filter function as an output filter from within
> > the handler, allow you to change the cookies on the way back as
> > well.
> OK, this works ALMOST perfectly.  What about an equivalent to
> ReverseProxyPass? I need to be able to handle redirects with cookies
> as well.

Do you mean ProxyPassReverse?

The example should have been equivalent to that. The values for proxyreq are:

  PROXYREQ_NONE = 0       # No proxy
  PROXYREQ_PROXY = 1      # Standard proxy
  PROXYREQ_REVERSE = 2    # Reverse proxy
  PROXYREQ_RESPONSE = 3   # Origin response

I believe that PROXYREQ_PROXY is equivalent to ProxyPass and PROXYREQ_REVERSE
as used is equivalent to ProxyPassReverse.

If you need Apache 2.2 equivalent of ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain or
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath then I don't know how to set that up and would
need to look again at Apache source. I don't know what fixups you were
wanting to make to the cookies, but it wasn't something you could just
do with these Apache 2.2 directives is it?


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