Paul Moore
pf_moore at
Thu Oct 12 15:48:57 EDT 2006
Graham Dumpleton <grahamd at> writes: > Try: > > > 022092.html > > Adapt as necessary for the tools you are using. I got it built using the free (but sadly no longer available for download :-() MS Toolkit Compiler 2003. You need to set up the build environment correctly. Full details are in PCBuild/readme.txt in the Python source directory, but basically you install the toolkit compiler, plus the platform SDK and the .NET 1.1 SDK (not the 2.0 one, it's the wrong C runtime). Then Add the following directories to your PATH: * The toolkit compiler directory * The SDK "Win64" binaries directory Add to your INCLUDE environment variable: * The toolkit compiler INCLUDE directory Add to your LIB environment variable: * The toolkit compiler LIB directory * The .NET SDK Visual Studio 2003 VC7\lib directory Now you're ready to go, *except* that this environment does not include afxres.h, which is needed. You can get that from the mingw packages (I think it's the win32-runtime one, specifically). Add it to your INCLUDE variable. It's messy, but the resulting environment builds fine. You can't build with mingw32 (at least, not easily) - the main reason is that the Apache binary distribution doesn't include mingw32- compatible export libraries. (There are other suspicious-looking errors, but that one's good enough by itself). Thanks again for the pointer. Paul. -- Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp. -- Philip Greenspun