[mod_python] New article on server side includes.

Daniel Nogradi nogradi at gmail.com
Mon Oct 2 19:48:46 EDT 2006

> In mod_python 3.3 there is a new feature which allows the use of Python
> code with traditional Apache server side include mechanism. As a bit of
> background on this new feature, I have written a new article about it
> and
> put it on my personal mod_python wiki. The article can be found at:
>    http://www.dscpl.com.au/wiki/ModPython/Articles/BasicsOfServerSideIncludes
> Other articles I have written on mod_python can be found at:
>    http://www.dscpl.com.au/wiki/ModPython/Articles
> These wiki articles supersede older versions which were located on a
> different part of my site. Trying to access the older articles should
> redirect
> you to this new part of the web site.
> Any feedback on this new article about SSI most appreciated. If there
> are
> any questions about it, or you think that additional information
> could be
> included in it, let me know via the mailing list.
> Enjoy.
> Graham

Hi Graham, just in case it was not your intention: all makeit links on
the old site are not pointing to the new one although these articles
exist there.


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