[mod_python] PSP global variables

Jim Gallacher jpg at jgassociates.ca
Sun Nov 5 14:59:02 EST 2006

Clodoaldo Pinto Neto wrote:
> 2006/11/5, Jim Gallacher <jpg at jgassociates.ca>:
>> Clodoaldo Pinto Neto wrote:
>> > I'm building a PSP tutorial and can't find in the mod_python manual
>> > any references to the global variables req, form and session as in
>> > this article:
>> >
>> > http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/python/2004/02/26/python_server_pages.html
>> >
>> > Are they unsupported features?
>> Completely supported, but poorly documented.
> Well, now the situation is definitely better ;) Thanks for the
> datailed answer. I will start digesting it now.
>> I'm hoping that I can nudge you in the direction of emphasizing
>> mod_python 3.3 in your tutorial since there are a huge number of bug
>> fixes and improvements in it - over 100 from 3.2. Although mod_python
>> 3.1 is still shipped by some linux distributions, it is over 2 years old
>> and is getting quite crusty. With any luck we'll have 3.3 ready not long
>> after you've completed your tutorial.
> If what you mean by "emphasizing mod_python 3.3" is to incentive
> people to migrate to it, then i can do it. But if what you mean is
> making it a 3.3 only tutorial then i don't know if it is a good move.
> You know, in many environments changes are avoided and 3.1 is the only
> choice.

Oh I know and for that reason I wouldn't make it exclusively about 3.3. 
For PSP the basics are going to be the same for all of the 3.x versions 
anyway, so it should not have a huge impact on the content of your 
tutorial. I don't know how extensive you plan to make it, but so far 
there is nothing that is version dependent.

The things that are different in 3.3 are there to address deficiencies 
in 3.1 or 3.2. Things like session locking will be a little less 
painless in 3.3 because of the way the session object is shared around 
as req.session. But again, if you don't plan on delving into more 
advanced topics the version does not matter.

My biggest concern is if you plan to use PythonOption to control the 
session behaviour. For that I'd use 3.3 as as the basis first, with a 
note explaining the PythonOption keywords are different in 3.2, and of 
course non-existent in 3.1.

I'm more than happy to review your tutorial, and I'm sure others on this 
list will do the same, so feel free to keep the list up to date on your 


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