[mod_python] PSP global variables

Clodoaldo Pinto Neto clodoaldo.pinto at gmail.com
Sun Nov 5 14:14:26 EST 2006

2006/11/5, Jim Gallacher <jpg at jgassociates.ca>:
> Clodoaldo Pinto Neto wrote:
> > I'm building a PSP tutorial and can't find in the mod_python manual
> > any references to the global variables req, form and session as in
> > this article:
> >
> > http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/python/2004/02/26/python_server_pages.html
> >
> > Are they unsupported features?
> Completely supported, but poorly documented.

Well, now the situation is definitely better ;) Thanks for the
datailed answer. I will start digesting it now.

> I'm hoping that I can nudge you in the direction of emphasizing
> mod_python 3.3 in your tutorial since there are a huge number of bug
> fixes and improvements in it - over 100 from 3.2. Although mod_python
> 3.1 is still shipped by some linux distributions, it is over 2 years old
> and is getting quite crusty. With any luck we'll have 3.3 ready not long
> after you've completed your tutorial.

If what you mean by "emphasizing mod_python 3.3" is to incentive
people to migrate to it, then i can do it. But if what you mean is
making it a 3.3 only tutorial then i don't know if it is a good move.
You know, in many environments changes are avoided and 3.1 is the only

> I can email you the html docs generated from svn trunk if that would be
> helpful.

That would be nice.

> A couple of comments:
> http://webpython.codepoint.net/mod_python_psp_apache_configuration
> .htaccess is misspelled in "must not be used inside the .htacces file".

It is corrected now.

> You might want to mention that the security implications of using .psp_.
> Perhaps use the example of making a database connection with the user
> name and password in the psp file. You wouldn't want to use this on a
> publicly facing website. :)

Ok. I will do it.

Regards, Clodoaldo Pinto Neto

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