[mod_python] little problem with my handler

Julien Cigar jcigar at ulb.ac.be
Wed Mar 29 02:21:47 EST 2006

Many thanks for all those answers !

Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> A few comments on your handler.
> Julien Cigar wrote ..
>> Hello,
>> I'm writing my first home-made handler (inspired by mod_publisher).
> Writing a publisher like handler which allows arbitrary traversal of objects
> is non trivial. Get it wrong and you can expose yourself to potential security
> holes. Be warned, don't attempt it unless you appreciate what the issues
> are. ;-)
I forgot to say that I don't want traversal of objects.
> I also think you mean't mod_python.publisher. The Apache mod_publisher
> module is used to perform substitutions on XML/HTML as well as
> implementing an alternative to SSI of mod_include.
>> I wanted to do a "ruby on rails"-like dispatcher, so when I call : 
>> http://somehost.com/foo/bar it should call the bar() method of the class
>> (controller) foo which lives under controllers/
>> Please note that it is not at all complete, I'm just playing with it at
>> the moment ..
> Why cant you just use mod_python.publisher?
I could (I've used it for a lot of projects here). In fact I wanted to 
understand mod_python more deeply by writing my own handler.
>> ...
>> Here is the code of my handler:
>> #!/usr/bin/python
>> import sys
>> from mod_python import apache, util
>> sys.path.append('/home/jcigar/public_html/invasive_species/application')
> Modifying sys.path from handlers, even from global scope in module is
> bad. It can cause problems in a multithreaded MPM if mod_python tries to
> update sys.path at the same time.
> Further, if module reloading is enabled, everytime the module is
> reloaded the directory will be added to sys.path meaning it will grow
> and grow and grow with multiple occurrences of the same directory
> appearing.
right... I forgot that
>> def handler(req):
>>     req.allow_methods(["GET", "POST"])
>>     if req.method not in (["GET", "POST"]):
>>         raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED
>>     (controller, method) = ("default", "index")
>>     if req.path_info:
>>         path_info = req.path_info.strip('/').split('/')
>>     if path_info[0].isalpha():
>>         controller = path_info[0]
>>         if len(path_info) > 1 and path_info[1].isalpha():
>>             method = path_info[1]
> Like mod_python.publisher, you have gone down the path of allowing
> defaults and similarly don't deal with trailing slashes in a reasonable
> way. This causes various problems due to the fact that different URLs
> can be used to address the same resource. The different URLs can
> have varying numbers of slashes in them, which makes calculating
> relative URLs to another resource fiddly and error prone.
Is there a "good" way to handle relative urls ?
>>     config = req.get_config()
>>     (autoreload, log) = (int(config.get("PythonAutoReload", 1)), 
>> int(config.get("PythonDebug", 0)))
>>     try:
>>         module = apache.import_module('controllers.%s' % (controller, ),
>> autoreload=autoreload, log=log)
> Hope you don't expect autoreload to work on Python packages. It can be
> unreliable at best in publically released versions of mod_python and new
> module importer in future version will not support it. But then there
> are better ways of doing what you are doing when new importer is
> available as you will be able to load module by full path.
so apache.import_module should not be used .. ?
>>     except ImportError:
>>         req.log_error('Cannot import controller %s' % (controller, ))
>>     object = getattr(module, method)
> You don't reraise the ImportError exception or return any other sort
> of explicit error status. Thus, when module can't be imported, it will
> still try and access the method from the module, but module variable
> will not exist and so it will die.
Yes, this handler is not complete at all (I was just playing a bit with)
> Luckily you don't allow arbitrary traversal and only allow method
> name to start with alphabetic character, so no issue with notional
> private stuff prefixed with underscore.
>>     if callable(object):
>>         req.params = util.FieldStorage(req, keep_blank_values=1)
> It is traditional that if storing FieldStorage instance in request object
> that it be stored as req.form.
ok :)
>>         result = util.apply_fs_data(object, req.params, req=req)
>>     else:
>>         req.log_error('%s is not callable' % (object, ))
>>         return apache.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
> Okay, so only allowing access to callable and not acess to data.
> More safe than mod_python.publisher in that respect.
Yes, only to the function of the "controller" in fact. In the futur I'd 
like to do like Ruby on Rails or Django, with some regex patterns (see 
>>     if result or req.bytes_sent or req.next:
> Do you understand what req.next attribute is? It probably isn't
> relevant to you and how you use it is probably wrong in this
> case anyway. I should probably check that how mod_python.publisher
> even uses it is sensible.
>>         req.content_type = 'text/html'
> If data has already been sent, ie., req.bytes_sent, is non zero,
> then setting content length here will not do anything as it has
> to be set before first write of data.
>>         req.write(result)
> Your callables must always ensure they return string objects.
> In mod_python.publisher, it will at least convert non string objects
> to strings and attempts to treat Unicode strings specially as well.
> Problem with this code is if bytes were sent and result is None,
> it will try and write result and die because it isn't a string.
ok, so req.write(str(result))
>>         return apache.OK
>>     else:
>>         req.log_error('Nothing returned')
>>         return apache.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
>> In advance, thanks for support !
> Overall, I don't see why you couldn't use mod_python.publisher.
> Yes, publisher provides more features, but if you set your code
> up correctly, you would still get same result as what you are
> aiming for without having to create your own handler.
> Graham

Julien Cigar
Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Campus de la Plaine CP 257
Bâtiment NO, Bureau 4 N4 115C (Niveau 4)
Boulevard du Triomphe, entrée ULB 2
B-1050 Bruxelles
Work: jcigar at ulb.ac.be
Personal: mage at mordor.ath.cx

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