[mod_python] python module loaded, but not parsed (huh?)

Fabiano Sidler fabianosidler at gmail.com
Fri Jan 13 19:54:43 EST 2006

2006/1/13, Graham Dumpleton <grahamd at dscpl.com.au>:
> Unfortunately your email doesn't really provide that much to go on.

Sorry for that! But meanwhile I located the problem:
--- testwebapp.py ---
from container import WebApp, Request

class MyWebApp(WebApp):
	title='My WebApplication'
	def run():

--- container.py ---
class WebAppMeta(type):
	def __new__(cls, name, bases, d):
		from types import FunctionType as Function
		for i in d:
			if type(d[i]) is Function:
				d[i] = staticmethod(d[i])
		loadmodule(cls.__module__, cls)
		return super(WebAppMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, d)

class WebApp:
	def someBasicFooBarMethods(): pass

def loadmodule(mod, cls):
	from mod_python import apache
	class Request: pass
	def handler(req):
		Request.write = staticmethod(req.write)
		return apache.OK
	mod.Request = Request
	mod.handler = handler

The interesting[tm] thing now is that on creation of the
testwebapp.MyWebApp class, loadmodule()'s mod argument is container
instead of my assumption, in which it was testwebapp. As the
consequence, the name testwebapp.handler is not set and mod_python
delivers the script code to the client, annoyingly without any message
to the logs!
Is there a way to achieve what I wanted to do, or will I have to
change my whole app design? As I posted earlier, I'm doing a
server-independent interface for writing webapps and its specification
is already made. I would dislike beginning from 0.

Thank you lots for your help!

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