[mod_python] Talk on what is coming in mod_python 3.3.

Jim Gallacher jpg at jgassociates.ca
Fri Aug 4 09:23:00 EDT 2006

Alex Greif wrote:
> are there plans when 3.3. will be released?

I'd suggested a while ago that we aim for an October or November
release. At this point I can't see any reason that it would be delayed
beyond that point, but November is more realistic.

If there are features in 3.3. that you need for your application, I'd
suggest grabbing a copy from subversion and start doing some testing
with your app. The earlier we can identify problems the better. The
3.2.x beta cycle was a long one, and we really want to avoid that this
time. Actually, we want to avoid that every time. ;)

In the interim, 3.2.10 is now available for download, with the official
announcement  imminent. Depending on how things play out with 3.3-dev,
we may have one more 3.2.x bugfix release.


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