[SPAM] [mod_python] [SPAM] Is mod_python 3.1 good in commercial blogging/CMS programming?

Anthony L. anthony at ataribaby.org
Mon Nov 7 16:37:41 EST 2005

On Nov 7, 2005, at 8:03 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:

> You'll really need to know how to configure and administer your own  
> server to get the most out of mod_python. The most you could expect  
> from a hosting provider is a good colocation or virtual server  
> environment. I doubt if I'd be happy with any preconfigured  
> mod_python setup.

Hi Jorey, thanks for the reply. Since I am doing this project on my  
own with no support, I must go with a web host. I am hoping to find  
one that supports Apache 2, Python 2.3, and mod_python 3. I expect to  
get a dedicated server, and I'm learning about UML (User Mode Linux)  
hosting options. My own shared host (like most) still uses Apache 1.3  
with no upgrade plans. Why wouldn't you be happy with a pre- 
configured mod_python setup? I compiled and installed mod_python  
myself, and the only configuring I did was in setting up the module  
directive and Publisher handler in httpd.conf. Is there more I can  
(and should) do?

> Not sure what you mean. mod_python isn't CGI. Since it embeds the  
> interpreter, it's *more* persistent. Could you be more specific?

Actually, you just answered me. I was under the impression that  
mod_python.publisher is stilll CGI, only with some extra voodoo under  
the hood that makes the CGI code not fork a new process for each and  
every use. I am new to this persistence issue. I feel kinda out of my  
element, moving away from CGI and desktop app programming. I just  
read that hosts/admins do not like persistent long-running processes.  
I assume this has to do with server load and stability and not security?

> I never use req.write() with Publisher, I return the final page as  
> a string (Publisher adds the headers). Arguably, req.write() can  
> reduce memory overhead if you're generating huge pages for a large  
> number of connections, but I haven't needed to deal with that, yet.

I didn't know if there would be any advantage to using req.write(). I  
figured that every call to req.write() would impose some overhead on  
a busy server, so the less use of the function the better.

> I find that I'm more productive using Python, but I also need a lot  
> more control over the environment than I do with PHP, which has  
> fewer portability issues. Short of making a recommendation, I agree  
> with many of your points and use mod_python for most of my  
> projects, so it might also be a good choice for you.

I have quickly found myself to be very productive with Python, more  
so than with any other language I've ever used. I would say that it's  
right for me. I know it will do what I need it to do. So my only real  
concerns now are its acceptability in a hosted environment. Had I my  
own server, I'd happily use it. Thanks again.

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