[mod_python] Internal Server Error

Julien jcigar at ulb.ac.be
Tue Jun 28 09:13:40 EDT 2005


I'm using mod_python 3.1.3 with Apache 2.0.54 on a Debian box with the
publisher handler and the Clearsilver template engine, and from time to
time apache returns an 500 error code (Internal Server Error). 
Apache errog.log file looks like :

[Tue Jun 28 14:42:12 2005] [error] [client 164.x.x.x] PythonHandler
mod_python.publisher: Traceback (most recent call last):
[Tue Jun 28 14:42:12 2005] [error] [client 164.x.x.x] PythonHandler
mod_python.publisher:   File
"/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/mod_python/apache.py", line 299, in
HandlerDispatch\n    result = object(req)
[Tue Jun 28 14:42:12 2005] [error] [client 164.x.x.x] PythonHandler
mod_python.publisher:   File
"/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/mod_python/publisher.py", line 98, in
handler\n    path=[path])
[Tue Jun 28 14:42:12 2005] [error] [client 164.x.x.x] PythonHandler
mod_python.publisher:   File
"/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/mod_python/apache.py", line 454, in
import_module\n    f, p, d = imp.find_module(parts[i], path)
[Tue Jun 28 14:42:12 2005] [error] [client 164.x.x.x] PythonHandler
mod_python.publisher: ImportError: No module named taxal


What is strange is that when I reload the page, it's displayed fine, but
from time to time I get 500 error code ... which is quite annoying ...

As I'm using the publisher handler, my index.py looks like :

import sys
import os.path
import neo_cgi
import neo_util
import neo_cs

from mod_python import util, apache
from psycopg import QuotedString

config = apache.import_module('config', autoreload = 0, log = 0)
utils = apache.import_module('utils', autoreload = 0, log = 0)
specimen = apache.import_module('specimen', autoreload = 0, log = 0)
taxon = apache.import_module('taxon', autoreload = 0, log = 0)
fulltextsearch = apache.import_module('fulltextsearch', autoreload = 0,
log = 0)

template_directory  = config.getTemplateDirectory()
template_main       = config.getTemplateMain()
template_menu       = config.getTemplateMenu()

def index(req):
    return home(req)

def home(req):
    return _render(req, 'home')

def links(req):
    return _render(req, 'links')

def contact(req):
    return _render(req, 'contact')

def taxal(req):
    sort    = req.form.getfirst('sort')
    order   = req.form.getfirst('order')

    tl = taxon.taxon()
    tl.getTaxaList(sort, order)
    hdf = tl.getHDF()
    return _render(req, 'taxalist', hdf)


So for the above example if I GET http://b.abc.be/birds/taxal it should
run the "def taxal(req)" function ... I don't understand why I get a
"mod_python.publisher: ImportError: No module named taxal" error message
in the apache logfile.

We have several virtualhosts : a.abc.be, b.abc.be, c.abc.be, ...
(fictive addresses). Our www directory is organized like this :

I've tried with "PythonInterpPerDirectory on" in my .htaccess, but
without success ...

In advance thanks for your support

Julien Cigar (jcigar at ulb.ac.be)
Belgian Biodiversity Information Facility
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Campus de la Plaine CP 257
Bâtiment NO, Bureau 4 N4 115C (Niveau 4)
Boulevard du Triomphe, entrée ULB 2
B-1050 Bruxelles

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