[mod_python] Sessions

Graham Dumpleton grahamd at dscpl.com.au
Thu Jun 2 20:20:56 EDT 2005

Joshua Ginsberg wrote ..
> So for example:
> <%
> # sessionfu.psp
> from mod_python import Session
> import pprint
> pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
> sess = Session.Session(req)
> newkey = form.getfirst('newkey','')
> newvalue = form.getfirst('newvalue','')
> %>

For mod_python.psp, you are actually doing more work here than you
strictly need to and why I asked original poster if they were intending
to use add ons like mod_python.psp.

When using mod_python.psp, the mere act of accessing a variable
called "session" will result in the creation by mod_python.psp itself
of a Session object for you. The underlying mod_python.psp code will
also save the session object for you once your page is done.

You may have had a problem with your example code because it didn't
appear to do a save of the session. Other than that it may well have
worked, but you could have avoided creating the session object in the
first place.

Hope this helps.


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