Jim Hefferon
jim at joshua.smcvt.edu
Fri Jul 15 15:50:09 EDT 2005
Hello, I'm sorry to bother folks, but I have a "Hello World"-type question. I want to write a small handler that redirects if the URI satisfies some criteria (I have pre-made some autoindex pages and so want to redirect to those if possible). My understanding of handlers is very weak, but I thought that a PostReadRequestHandler is the right thing, as then all the URI translations, etc. can do their stuff after I reroute some URI's. That is, I had in mind something like his: def postreadrequesthandler(req): uriPath=req.parsed_uri[apache.URI_PATH] if uriPath satisfies criteria: redirect return apache.OK return apache.DECLINED I put these lines in my 000-default in a virtual host context: setHandler mod_python PythonPath "sys.path+['/dir/containing/py/file']" PythonPostReadRequestHandler filename PythonDebug On The error.log says something about mod_python 3.1.3 resuming normal operations, so I think I am OK. I wrote a small handler, just as a test. It says only def postreadrequesthandler(req): return apache.DECLINED (I've also experimented with apache.OK) I expected it to have no effect on the behavior of apache as my understanding was that the request would go to the next handler up the line. Instead, when I restart apache, it gives me a 404 every time, and every time sends me a copy of the cgi program that is the 404 error handler. That is, that the 404 should be executed as a cgi is gone (of course, it works if I comment out the lines above from the 000-default and restart and ask for something that isn't there). The error.log says "attempt to serve directory" so it is not looking for the index.html file in the dir. So I'm thinking that all subsequent handlers are not being invoked, or else that I am just clueless (I suspect that latter!). I have the latest Debian, am using Apache 2.0, and got mod_python pre-packaged (that is, I didn't compile it myself, or anything). No doubt I'm doing something dopey, but I usually write by starting with a small script that works and expanding. I'm unable to get the small script to go here. If someone has a suggestion, I'd be very grateful. Thanks, Jim Hefferon -- If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that there is no such thing as cheap meta-data. --Tim Bray