[mod_python] Text appended to the page when refreshing

Wojtek Dabrowski falka777 at gmx.de
Tue Jul 12 18:09:11 EDT 2005

> I'm using the publisher handler and when i refresh a page that returns
> some html code (a full page, enclosed in html tags) the output is
> appended to the page (duplicated, if the python script isn't changed).

I have had a similiar problem. In my case, the output was generated as a
list of lines, kind of like:

def handler(req):
  for line in page.x:

class bla:
  x = list()
  def __init__(self):
    self.x.append("HTML lines")

Now x=list didn't generate an empty list, but x sometimes still held the
output generated last time the page was called. I corrected this by
adding an x=[] in the __init__ to get:

class bla:
  x = list()
  def __init__(self):
    self.x.append("HTML lines")

This cleared x of any garbage that might have been there, and it works
fine now.

I don't know why x=list() didn't generate an empty list, I just know it
didn't ;) If there's anybody who can actually explain why this happened,
I'd be grateful.

Have a nice day,

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