[mod_python] mod_python claims it cannot find a module

Graham Dumpleton grahamd at dscpl.com.au
Tue Jul 5 07:43:58 EDT 2005

On 05/07/2005, at 9:25 PM, Martin MOKREJŠ wrote:

> Graham Dumpleton wrote:
>> On 05/07/2005, at 4:11 PM, Nicolas Lehuen wrote:
>>>  What I suspect in Martin's case is that req.finfo returns None 
>>> because of the global scope of his PythonHandler configuration, or 
>>> something like that. Therefore, the publisher ends up executing the 
>>> last branch which splits the requested file name into directory + 
>>> func_path and adds index.py to the directory. I'll try to reproduce 
>>> this behaviour and let you know about this.
>> Except that Martin wasn't using your latest version of the publisher,
>> but that in the 3.1.[34] as I understand it, so I don't think you can
> But yesterday I have upgraded to the snapshot posted. ;-)

Okay, I am mightily confused now. Going back to your original posting
and looking properly at the stack traces you were already using a
version newer than 3.1.4 even at that point. I have been making comments
on the basis you were using 3.1.[34]. If it has at all been helpful
then it has probably been by luck more than anything else. Can see
how Nicolas might have been confused about what I was going on about.
Anyway, since you are using unreleased code and I haven't looked
at it yet or tried to use, Nicolas will just have to sort it out. :-)


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