[mod_python] Intermixing legacy CGI with mod_python

Orr, Steve sorr at rightnow.com
Wed May 26 11:36:19 EDT 2004

Thanks, at least I don't feel too ignored. :-)

I did a benchmark test with mod_python which included maintaining a pool of database connections. By not having to connect to the database for each CGI script and not having to constantly reload the Python interpreter I was able to demonstrate that a mod_python implementation would perform 100 times faster.

I'm really just interested in CGI application performance and not Apache handlers,  publisher, or psp so would I be better off with fastcgi? (We only need to run on Apache.)

Anyone have experience with both mod_python and fastcgi and care to give candid feedback?


-----Original Message-----
From: Gustavo Córdova Avila [mailto:gustavo.cordova at q-voz.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 10:05 AM
To: Orr, Steve; mod_python at modpython.org
Subject: RE: [mod_python] Intermixing legacy CGI with mod_python

> Regarding this topic... Your collective silence is
> deafening... And discouraging! Doesn't anyone on this list 
> have ANY experience with this?

Have you tried it on a test server?

Most of us on the list, probably, have more experience running
application as handlers or using publisher or psp, that would surely
account for this deafening silence.



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