binarybrain at phreaker.net
Fri Mar 5 19:15:05 EST 2004
Unfortunetly, I am stuck using a somewhat older version of mod_python 3.0.4-2 which I guess is what is distributed with Debian unstable. I am able to set cookies. I can't seem to read the Cookies. I tried 2 different ways. 1) os.environ.keys() displays no env vars resembling a Cookie 2) req.headers_in I seem to be getting the header stuff but nothing resembling a Cookie (I tested the above by printing the results out to the web page) I have tried numorous examples. I have been over all the threads on Cookies in the recent months. I realize that a newer version of mod_python might help resolve this as it has native Cookie support. If I don't get any other solutions or suggestions I would willing to upgrade by hand. If I end up having to upgrade by hand any suggestions for people that have done this. Thanks in advance. Jim