[mod_python] Making error (debug) output more readable.

Amir Salihefendic amix at amix.dk
Sat Aug 14 13:59:15 EDT 2004

I have made (at least for me) the error output more readable by 
highlighting the important things.

In apche.py function ReportError I have added following code:
                     # write to client
                     req.content_type = 'text/html'

                     #Search patterns
                     pattern_file = re.compile('\/([\w]+\.[\D]{1,5})",')
                     pattern_line = re.compile("line ([\d]+)")
                     pattern_in = re.compile(", in ([\w]+)")
                     pattern_type = re.compile("^([A-Za-z]+): (.+)$")

                     s = '\n<h3>Mod_python error: "%s 
%s"</h3>\n<pre>\n\n' % (phase, hname)
                     for e in traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, 
                         e = pattern_line.sub(r'<b>line</b> <font 
color="blue">\1</font>', e)
                         e = pattern_file.sub(r'/<font 
color="green">\1</font>,', e)
                         e = pattern_in.sub(r', in <font 
color="darkred">\1</font>', e)
                         e = pattern_type.sub(r'<font 
color="darkblue">\1</font>: <i>\2</i>', e)
                         s += e + '\n'
                     s += "</pre>\n"

To make this work, you of course need to "import re" in the top of 

The output should look something like this:

Kind regards
Amir Salihefendic
What we do in life echoes in eternity

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