[mod_python] mod_python 2.7 documentation inconsistency

Dmitry Dembinsky dmitry at deluxoft.com
Sat Feb 8 14:03:30 EST 2003


I'm using mod_python 2.7.8 with Apache 1.3.27 running on RH7.3

When I was trying to use mod_python.publisher module
I've encountered the following inconsistency in a documentation:

Section 3.4 ("Publisher Handler Makes it Easy") contains a sample HTML
The line specifying form handler is the following:

  <form action="form/email" method="POST">

While it should be:

  <form action="form.py/email" method="POST">

to make an example working.

(Or, probably "AddHandler python-program .py" should be replace with
"SetHandler python-program" ?)

As I've seen, the latest doc for mod_python 3.0.1 doesn't have this

Dmitry Dembinsky <dmitry at deluxoft.com>

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