Sean Abrahams
sa at
Thu Aug 29 13:20:35 EST 2002
Matthew, I had the DEAPI error yesterday. Running Debian (level testing). This is what I did. """ ./configure edit src/Makefile and change the OPT= line to read OPT=-DEAPI then run "make dso" then run "make install_dso" """ Hope this works for you. --Sean Thursday, August 29, 2002, 12:51:37 PM, you wrote: WMD> Hello everyone. I would love to say that I'm not a newbie to mod_python, WMD> but I've never successfully installed it. WMD> My latest attempt is on an OpenBSD-3.1 box. WMD> this server has both python2.1 and python2.2 on it. (I didn't WMD> particularly want python2.1, but the OpenBSD ports tree decided that I WMD> would get both python versions. :-) ) WMD> Regardless, I uncompressed the mod_python tarball, and went to work, WMD> eventually recieving the standard -DEAPI error: WMD> > sudo apachectl start WMD> [Thu Aug 29 13:20:35 2002] [warn] Loaded DSO WMD> /usr/lib/apache/modules/ uses plain Apache 1.3 API, this WMD> module might crash under EAPI! (please recompile it with -DEAPI) WMD> /usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started WMD> At first, I thought it was the -DEAPI problem that was preventing me from WMD> starting the httpd altogether, but after searching around on the WMD> mod_python webpage, I (think I) fixed that error. Now, I just can't start WMD> the httpd deamon: WMD> > sudo apachectl start WMD> /usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started WMD> I can start the deamon when I comment out the "LoadModule WMD> python_module..." line, but that's clearly not the goal. WMD> I'm hoping that I'm not reporting something stupid (other than me), but I WMD> just can't get this to work. I've asked several of my "better at UNIX WMD> than I am" friends, and they have no ideas either. WMD> What do you guys suggest? WMD> Oh, and by the way, my system is using the standard apache1.3 that comes WMD> "out of the box" with OpenBSD-3.1 . WMD> Again, thanks for any time that you may have to spare. WMD> Matthew D. Wood WMD> _______________________________________________ WMD> Mod_python mailing list WMD> Mod_python at WMD>