Jack Diederich
jack_diederich at email.com
Tue Aug 20 11:29:17 EST 2002
I just ran into a problem like this previously posted one: http://www.modpython.org/pipermail/mod_python/2002-July/002218.html which gives you the 'could not import mod_python.apache, could not call init' type of error. After playing around I figured out that it was looking at my globally installed copy of Python (/usr/local/python2.2) and NOT the copy I had passed in to ./configure (/home/www/python2.2) mod_python properly installed the py's in /home/www/python2.2 tree but it would never get picked up by apache. Even adding the home tree with the PythonPath directive didn't work. I had to symlink the site-packages directory from /usr/local to the /home tree. I couldn't find any reference to the /usr/local directory anywhere in the configured mod_python tree. Any guesses where it is getting the idea that everything is under /usr/local? thanks, -jack -- __________________________________________________________ Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.com http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup