[mod_python] Compiling problem.

Mikael Johansson mikael.johansson at sema.se
Thu Jul 19 13:52:10 EST 2001

Hello everyone.

I have a problem to include pyhton into my apache configuration.

I'm running HP-UX Ver 11.0

I have downloade apache 1.13.12

I have downloaded and installed Python 1.5.2 (configure, make and make install)

I have downloded mod_python 2.7.5 and have run configure, make and make install... 

No problem so fare... (not so many anyway..)

My problem is when I go back to Apache and run..

./configure --activate-module=src/modules/python/libpython.a

It runs whith no error, after that I try to the small command make, output below, any Ideas ? 

=== cut ==

<=== src/modules

cc -c -I./os/unix -I./include -DHPUX11 -Aa -Ae -D_HPUX_SOURCE -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite -DNO_DL_NEEDEc

cc -c -I./os/unix -I./include -DHPUX11 -Aa -Ae -D_HPUX_SOURCE -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite -DNO_DL_NEEDEc

cc -DHPUX11 -Aa -Ae -D_HPUX_SOURCE -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite -DNO_DL_NEEDED `./apaci` \

-o httpd buildmark.o modules.o modules/python/libpython.a modules/standard/libstandard.a main/libmain.a ./os/unixd

/usr/ccs/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:

PyObject_HasAttrString (code)

PyString_AsString (code)

PyModule_GetDict (code)

Py_OptimizeFlag (data)

PyThreadState_Delete (code)

PyExc_TypeError (data)

PySequence_Index (code)

PyDict_New (code)

PyCObject_AsVoidPtr (code)

PyImport_ImportModule (code)

PyCObject_FromVoidPtr (code)

_PyString_Resize (code)

PyErr_Fetch (code)

PyObject_Str (code)

PyList_Size (code)

PyString_ConcatAndDel (code)

PyDict_GetItem (code)

PyDict_SetItem (code)

Py_BuildValue (code)

PyEval_SaveThread (code)

PyCallable_Check (code)

PyObject_CallMethod (code)

PyExc_IndexError (data)

PyErr_NoMemory (code)

Py_FindMethod (code)

PyTuple_SetItem (code)

PyMember_Set (code)

PyDict_GetItemString (code)

PyMapping_HasKeyString (code)

PyErr_NewException (code)

PyList_New (code)

PyList_SetItem (code)

PyExc_AttributeError (data)

PyObject_CallFunction (code)

PyErr_Print (code)

PyInt_Type (data)

PyType_Type (data)

PyObject_GetAttrString (code)

PyThreadState_Swap (code)

PyErr_Occurred (code)

PyString_Type (data)

PyDict_SetItemString (code)

PyThreadState_New (code)

PyString_FromString (code)

PyMember_Get (code)

Py_Initialize (code)

PyInt_AsLong (code)

PyExc_ValueError (data)

PyEval_RestoreThread (code)

PyErr_BadArgument (code)

PyArg_ParseTuple (code)

Py_IsInitialized (code)

Py_NewInterpreter (code)

PyExc_KeyError (data)

PyExc_IOError (data)

PyList_Append (code)

PyString_FromStringAndSize (code)

Py_InitModule4 (code)

PyErr_SetObject (code)

PyList_SetSlice (code)

PyErr_Clear (code)

Py_Finalize (code)

_Py_NoneStruct (data)

PyErr_SetString (code)

Py_GetVersion (code)

PyInt_FromLong (code)

PyTuple_New (code)

*** Error exit code 1


*** Error exit code 1


*** Error exit code 1


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