jam at
Sun May 28 13:53:01 EST 2000
Greetings, I'm having difficulty figuring out this problem, and I'm hoping someone will be able to help get it resolved. I'm not sure if this is a problem with mod_rewrite or mod_python or my configuration of them. I have the following .htaccess file in /home/jam/public_html: [~/public_html] [1:35pm] [jam at toast-pts/2] % cat .htaccess AddHandler python-program .py PythonHandler cgihandler RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-s RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html$ $ [L] The intent of the rewrite rule is if the URL requests a file ending in .html, it will check first to see if that file exists (and send it as normal if it does), and if a suitable file does *not* exist, check for a .py extension and run that via mod_python if it does. The above set of directives works *fine* if I install it in /home/httpd/html.. I can request 'index.html' and it will run the '' module I've created. The problem starts when I copy the .htaccess file to my home directory, and try to get the same thing to work. it doesn't. I get the following error in the /var/log/httpd/error_log file: [Sun May 28 13:36:02 2000] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/httpd/html/home/jam/public_html/ This indicates the reason for the error-- it's looking for a file called "/home/httpd/html/home/jam/public_html/", which clearly doesn't exist (it should instead be "/home/jam/public_html/"). This error occurs regardless of the existence of a .htaccess file in /home/httpd/html-- I had thought that might be part of the problem, so at first I added a "PythonInterpPerDirectory" directive, and then renamed the file so it wouldn't be used, and tried again-- no luck. I'm not sure if I need to present more information before this problem can be solved.. please let me know if I can answer any questions about the setup that might point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance ;) Regards, J -- || visit gfd <> || psa member -- <>