[mod_python] Where to get latest sources of mod_python?

Julien jcigar at ulb.ac.be
Mon Jul 4 09:30:46 EDT 2005

Are you using multiple interpreters or vhosts ?

If yes, check
and try the PythonInterpPerDirectory directive :
"PythonInterpPerDirectory on" in your .htaccess file

If you use the Clearsilver template engine, don't forget to do a
neo_cgi.update() after an import neo_cgi.

On Mon, 2005-07-04 at 15:01 +0200, Martin MOKREJŠ wrote:
> Hi,
>   I have some weird problem with module imports under mod_python.
> While reloading the webpage on every second reload I get a module import error.
>   Similarly, I'm getting python executed in "restricted" mode just after
> I use (not import) cElementTree module. Fredrik Lundh mentioned some users
> had such problems when expat library was different to the used by apache
> itself. I got everything recompiled but nothing changed. I use Gentoo
> linux, btw. I have no problems when using elementtree to parse xml files.
>   So, I would like to download latest cvs snapshot of mod_python as
> reading the bugreports on your web impressed me you are going to
> release 3.2 version rather soon.
>   I followed the instructions at http://www.modpython.org/ so I got
> to this cvs repository.
> # cvs -t update -dR
>   -> main: Session ID is 483142c930984567
>   -> main loop with CVSROOT=/home/cvspublic
>   -> open_connection_to_server (:pserver:anoncvs at cvs.apache.org:/home/cvspublic)
>   -> Connecting to cvs.apache.org(
>   Unfortunately, the flex path is hardcoded to /usr/local/bin/flex so
> it leads me to suspicion that I checked out some wrong branch (I have HEAD
> or whatever was the default). Any pointers? And please, put the cvs commands
> on the web. And at the best generate snapshots automatically.
> Thank you!
> Martin
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Julien Cigar (jcigar at ulb.ac.be)
Belgian Biodiversity Information Facility
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Campus de la Plaine CP 257
Bâtiment NO, Bureau 4 N4 115C (Niveau 4)
Boulevard du Triomphe, entrée ULB 2
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