[mod_python] Still displaying source instead of results...

Anthony M. Saffer anthony at opensource-strategies.com
Thu Dec 2 23:25:19 EST 2004

>   <Directory /some/directory/htdocs/test>
>    AddHandler python-program .py
>    PythonHandler mptest
>    PythonDebug On
> </Directory>

Okay, I've done that. Now, the request at least seems to actually GET to
mod_python. But it is telling me it can't find the mptest module. I
installed mod_python from source. Did I forget to download something that
was not part of the source package?

> You're not reading the right manual:
>   http://www.modpython.org/live/mod_python-2.7.8/doc-html/

This is the manual I am reading. I've read the entire "configuring apache"
section and, with the exception of having to recompile apache, I've followed
it to the best of my understanding. Did I miss something?

> It's not a script, it's a module. It doesn't execute like a CGI, it gets
> loaded into the interpreter. Therefore it doesn't need to be made
> executable, only readable.

I didn't mean I chmod +x the module. I meant that I did that to the .py
script (I don't know why, it just was a last ditch effort I suppose). But I
do understand what you are saying here.

Thank you for your help!

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