[mod_python] Connection handler behaviour

Grisha Trubetskoy grisha at modpython.org
Fri Jan 23 17:17:41 UTC 2015

Without studying Apache code, off the top of my head I'd suspect that the
connection close is somehow related to the KeepAlive setting in Apache, you
might want to try tinkering with that and see what happens.

Regarding having to read a line... I'm also not sure. Given the
request/response nature of a web server it seems that in every "normal"
case (e.g. HTTP) the server starts out by reading the request, but I don't
see why that should be required for a connection handler. You will probably
have to study the Apache code to get a sure answer to this question.

Sorry I'm not very helpful here!


On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 7:21 AM, Alexander Frolkin <avf at eldamar.org.uk>

> Hello,
> I'm having two issues trying to implement a connection handler.  The
> first is that it seems to be impossible to write data to the client
> before a line has been read from the client.  The second is that the
> connection isn't closed when the handler returns apache.OK.
> Surely the latter isn't correct behaviour?  As for the former, is this
> the expected behaviour?  Is there any way to change it?
> I'm running mod_python 3.3.1 and Apache 2.4.7.  Virtual host config:
> -----
> Listen
> <VirtualHost>
>         ServerName tcp_test
>         PythonPath "sys.path + ['/var/www']"
>         PythonDebug On
>         PythonConnectionHandler tcp_test
> </VirtualHost>
> -----
> The handler:
> -----
> from mod_python import apache
> def connectionhandler(conn):
>         conn.write('Hello\r\n')
>         line = conn.readline()
>         conn.write('You said {0}\r\n'.format(line))
>         return apache.OK
> -----
> An example session:
> ----
> $ telnet 9999
> Trying
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> test
> Hello
> You said test
> ^]
> telnet> q
> Connection closed.
> -----
> What I would expect:
> -----
> $ telnet 9999
> Trying
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> Hello
> test
> You said test
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> -----
> Could anyone shed some light on what's going on?  Am I just missing
> something?
> Thanks! :-)
> Alex
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