[mod_python] Apache mod_wsgi and auth handlers

Graham Dumpleton graham.dumpleton at gmail.com
Wed Mar 3 04:16:06 EST 2010

2010/3/3 Sławomir Osoba <sosoba at coig.katowice.pl>:
> I use mod_python for handling authentication and authorization (Directive
> PythonAccessHandler and PythonAuthenHandler) static files and PHP
> applications. Is it possible to transfer this functionality to mod_wsgi?



The mod_wsgi module implements the newer Apache concept of
authentication providers whereby you only need to authenticate the
user and not actually generate the error page, Apache will do the
latter for you, or you can use an ErrorDocument directive to redirect
to a custom page of your own.

For access handler, mod_wsgi provides a simpler mechanism for what is
the common idiom that hook is used for. That is indicating whether a
remote client should be allowed access.


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