[mod_python] Is Python 2.6 supported on Windows?

Graham Dumpleton graham.dumpleton at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 18:00:32 EST 2010

2010/1/26 Durumdara <durumdara at gmail.com>:
> Hi!
> Is Python 2.6 supported on Windows?

No precompiled binaries are provided.

> I need to port my system to PG8.4/Py2.6. But now I see that in this place
> only 2.5 supported... :-(

If you aren't actually using mod_python specific features and only
need to host a WSGI application, see mod_wsgi instead which has Python
2.6 binaries.

> http://xenia.sote.hu/ftp/mirrors/www.apache.org/httpd/modpython/win/3.3.1/
> How to make 2.6's mod_python.dll?

Start out by reading:


in mod_python source code.

Also read old instructions at:


You will need however to use Visual Studio 2008 instead and make other
changes as appropriate dependent on tools being used.


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