Graham Dumpleton
graham.dumpleton at
Mon Jan 25 06:14:23 EST 2010
2010/1/25 Ling Bao <lingbao at>: > Mod Python seems to log tracebacks on multiple lines in the apache logs. > This can make it tough to setup simple monitoring alert emails w/ standard > tools like monit that alert developers when N distinct ERROR's or X distinct > WARNINGS occur w/in a set period of time. These tools can't tell if 5 lines > of apache errors are a single traceback of 5 distinct error entries. > > Is there any way to configure mod python to log a single line per traceback? No. You would need to modify the code and maintain your own version of mod_python. Note you can run into potential problems with truncation of lines if they exceed approximately 8000-8192 characters. At least when on separate lines, risk of that occurring is less and from that pretty well everyone here wouldn't even know such truncation does in fact occur. Graham