[mod_python] mod_python for heavy use

Graham Dumpleton graham.dumpleton at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 03:02:12 EDT 2009

2009/6/7 Beavis <pfunix at gmail.com>:
> hi folks,
>  I just want to ask out if there are any folks here that use
> mod_python heavily. what sort of hardware requirement do you guys
> have? any specific amount of memory, CPU, etc. that would be
> beneficial to mod_python?
> any help would be awesomely appreciated.

The web server and mod_python aren't usually going to be the
bottleneck, but your application. You haven't said anything about your
application though, so cannot help.

That said, do ensure you read:


so you don't configure Apache in a silly way.


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